Feb 18, 2011

Un Hombre Muy Feliz (One Very Happy Man)

When I first started trying to sell my Nissan Patrol, I had a lot of inquires and several people looked at it and drove it. Almost to a person, they said it was a good vehicle and worth what I was asking for it. Two people at two different times even went so far as to pay a deposit on it with intentions of buying it. Neither person was able to come up with the rest of the money for it.

I don't remember when the thought came to me that if no one bought it before I was ready to go to the states, I should just give it to Manuel Chavez. Today, that's exactly what I did. He was, to say the least, very surprised and pleased.

This man rarely comes to my house that he doesn't bring his Bible. I didn't notice until after I had taken the picture that he had it in his hand. He read scripture to me this morning and told me what it meant to him. I told him he reminded me of what Jeremiah said about not being able to not preach because the Word was a burning fire in his heart if he kept quiet. That's a paraphrase, but it describes Manuel.

My prayer is that the Patrol will give him good service as it did to me and that he will use it to keep spreading the Gospel and ministering to the people of Guatemala with his dentistry and evangelism.


Feb 6, 2011

Team and a half

The 29th of January the biggest team yet came to the mission house....53 people in all. Every house on the mountain had team members staying in them with the exception of the huge one in which no one lives. There were a number of doctors, nurses, and one dentist. The pictures in this blog are of the dentist, his wife, the dental clinic, and the dental waiting room. This is what Don Tibbett and Foothills Bible Church wanted to accomplish when they purchased all the dental equipment and instruments. The dentist, Dr. John Gissal from Michigan, tried to count the number of people he treated, but gave up before the end of the clinics. All together, with dental and medical, over 2,000 people in five different villages were seen and treated. I was able to help with the pharmacy three of those days and thought by the end of Friday if I had to say "tres veces al dia" one more time, I would pass out. By the end of the week, everyone was tired but content.

Six weeks from now, I will end my extended stay in Guatemala....extended because originally I had planned to come here for six months. By the time I leave, I will have been here almost five and a half years. A lot of things have happened in those five years, most good and some not so good. One thing I hope has happened during these years is that I have grown in the Lord. I think I have, some, although I am not fully grown yet and God help me if I ever think that I am.

I think I have met more people here in the last five years than I have in my whole life and have made a multitude of friends....some from Guatemala and some from many parts of the U. S. It will be hard to leave the ones in Guatemala, but Lord willing, I will see them again. I am looking forward to being with my family and friends in Arkansas.
