Sep 29, 2009

The Spirit of Fear

I've done a lot of praying for courage over the past few weeks. A couple of years ago, there was an occurrence on the road to el Tejar that scared the bejeebers out of me and I had not been back down that road since....until about two weeks ago. The city is putting stone down on the other road to Chimal and it is blocked. Since staying on the mountain for three months without going to town was not an option, I prayed for courage, got in my Patrol, started out. The road is in such bad shape that my mind was too occupied with missing the holes to be afraid. God does answer pray in strange ways sometimes.

FTSS Guatemala branch is going good. Last week I bought enough food for ten families and by the end of the day only had four bags left. Those were gone very shortly. This week, I bought enough for fifteen families.

Max Lara is doing much better. I went by to see him on my way back from Antigua yesterday and he and Teresa had gone to Chimal. His daughter said he is doing fine.

Due to some family difficulties, Berto and his family have moved from Santo Domingo. Laurie King and I found their new home last week, in Chimal, and paid them a visit. He is about the same and in good spirits as usual.

The fall is rapidly becoming as busy as the summer. We have six teams scheduled for October and November.