Mar 9, 2009

Wise Friends

Whether accidentally or on purpose, I don't know....I prefer to think on purpose....a very good, wise friend helped me this week to understand something that only someone who was standing back from the forest enough to see the trees could.

I have been put into a situation the last few days that has causing me not some small degree of stress and this friend made me see that what I was doing was protecting myself rather that reaching out to someone in need. That does not mean that I intend to roll over and play dead, but I have been able to formulate a plan that has relieved the stress somewhat.

I have another very good, wise friend who said something long ago that has stuck with me, but I have yet to figure out how to accomplish it. He claims that this was not original with him, but it sounds like something he would say. He said, "humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is not thinking of yourself at all."

We, meaning Laurie King and I went to see Berto last Thursday and he is doing surprisingly well. He has seemed to be doing better ever since his week's stay in the hospital. He has some pain, but it is not unbearable. On Saturday, I went back loaded with tangerines, Ensure, vitamins, and pain relievers for him. He is still adamant about not having the surgery....his choice.

I have decided that these posts need to be shorter and more frequent. I can promise shorter, but am not too sure about more frequent.


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