Webster's Dictionary defines lazy as; disinclined to activity or exertion: not energetic or vigorous. That is my excuse for not blogging for these last three months.
This week's events though compel me to write something in order to let the folks at FBC see the gift given to them for providing help to a gentlemen here in Guatemala. I wish I could bring it home with me, but that not being possible, at least the folks can see it. We call this a poinsettia...here it is a pasqua.
The gentleman's name is Pedro and he is 38 years old. Over a month ago, he fell off a bridge while working and broke his hip. He has been in the national hospital ever since needing surgery, but not being able to pay for the materials. The surgery is free, but the pins needed in his hip have to be paid for. The price for the pins is Q2,000, approximately $250. His mother came here this week to see if we could help and we did. He is scheduled to have the surgery Tuesday, Dec. 7. Today the mother, Maria, came to bring this pasqua and to thank me for helping. So while you folks have to be content with a picture, just know that this is a token of appreciation for the compassion you have for others. If you think about it Tuesday, please pray for Pedro.
As most of you know, my time in Guatemala is drawing to a close. And I will miss things like this....seeing people helped who have no way of helping themselves.
The Lord willing, I will see most of you next Sunday, Dec. 12th.
thanks for this post Luisa. it helps us to put a face on the circumstances. can't wait to see you on the 12th.