Apr 1, 2009

Joy, Joy, Joy

What a difference a few days and a little good news can make. Last week I received word that my residency has been granted for me to stay in Guatemala. It has been well over a year since the process was started to bring this about. What this means is that I can now stay in Guatemala for two years without having to leave the country every 90 or 180 days. After that I can apply for a permanent residency which I understand is a much simpler process. All that's left to do is go to the city Friday to pick up my passport from my attorney.

This probably doesn't mean much to a lot of people, but to me, it is a big deal. Without the residency there is always that time limit hovering around in the back of my mind like a little gray cloud. To me, it means freedom to think and to plan things that I was hesitant to do before.

There is a young man here who has become an object of my prayers. He has no job, no money and through the generosity and good graces of a friend is attending the seminary here in Chimal. This friend is looking for a way to set the young man up in a business in order for him to support his family and continue his studies at seminary. This bears more investigation and as I said much prayer. Please join me in praying for him and for direction and wisdom for me.


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