Apr 24, 2009

Soapbox Time

It's soooo easy! Just swipe your credit card through a little machine, sign your name and you are in debt. I had to learn this week how to use one of those little machines, now I have it down pat.

There was a friend of mine once, when I lived in Michigan, who was a truck driver and received a monthly expense check. He decided to put all his expenses on his credit card then pay that bill off when his expense check came. Unfortunately, his expense check first and he spent it on other things so he didn't have the money to pay the credit card bill. This friend eventually declared bankruptcy. Do the phrases "take responsibility for your actions", "payday someday", and "paying the piper', come to mind?

When I used to work as an escrow agent doing loan closings for people who were refinancing their homes in order to pay off some debts, it was astounding to me the amount of money some people owed to credit card companies. How could they let this happen? It is so easy. It is amazingly easy to obtain a credit card and even easier to use it, often times irresponsibly.

What is it about us that we almost think we are being unpatriotic if we are not in debt. You might say we are helping the economy when we buy things because if we don't buy, there won't be a demand. We have been demanding things for years and where is the economy.

Sadly, I see the same thing happening in Guatemala. More and more people are handing over the little piece of plastic in Maxi Bodega (Wal-Mart).

I heard on the news just this week that the average person has eight credit cards. My word! Why would a person need eight credit cards? I don't mind being below average in this respect. I only have one and have considered shredding it, but it is so convenient. Oh well, if I get too far in debt, my faithful government will bail me out.


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